eye for an eye

Исполнитель: Jenna HANSSEN

Жанр: Лаунж
Длительность: 04:01
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Правообладатель: ООО "М2"

Текст песни

Be a hunter, mourn over your victim
But this is not the price that keeps me satisfied.
Be a daughter, can you act like your sibling?
Think about it after, this is not enough.
Be a sister, cry over your brother.
Why did your family choose the younger child and not the other?
Why? why? why?
Be a woman, a paragon of virtue
Or the opposite. I will always bitch you.
This is not the price that keeps me satisfied, this is not enough.
Cause it's eye for an eye, eye for an eye, eye for an eye.
After the felony comes the agony.
The tallion law: retaliation means you give what you owe.
Homo necans, paint your faces black.
The child is gone and dead now, the king is back.
Remember when you took your face away from pain
Cause it made you scared you'd be punished the same way.
You were right then, cause I'm coming.
You say a prayer, I say: ""Amen"".
Be a hunter, mourn over your victim,
Be a daughter, can you act like your siblimg?
Be a sister, cry over the brother,
Be a woman not worth to be a mother.
This is not the price that keeps me satisfied, this is not enough.
Cause it's eye for an eye.

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