
Текст песни

Yeah, yeah, yeah, baby
That's enough
I don't wanna make a move
Yeah, I'm fine
No need for your love
That's enough
I ain't telling what to do
Baby, calm down
Call it a day
Yeah, yeah
Remember how i wrote that letter
I was telling truth
But you said it would be better
For me and you to go out and just talk
But it ended up as adding me
Just blocked

What the hell did I do wrong?
Are you still waiting me home?
Is it because of time zone?
Oh I’m throwing phone
I'm tired of trying to get your attention
I could go on forever but
That's enough
I don't wanna make a move
Yeah, I'm fine
No need for your love
That's enough
I ain't telling what to do
Baby, calm down
Call it a day

That's enough
I don't wanna make a move
Yeah, I'm fine
No need for your love
That's enough
I ain't telling what to do
Baby, calm down
Call it a day
So what was it for
To treat me like a toy
I don't wanna be your errand boy
And it starts to be annoying
What else do you need from me

Baby tell me what’s wrong
Don’t beat around the bush, I’m strong
I’m tired of waiting too long
It’s time to move along
I'm tired of trying to get your attention
I could go on forever but
That's enough
I don't wanna make a move
Yeah, I'm fine
No need for your love
That's enough
I ain't telling what to do
Baby, calm down
Call it a day

That's enough
I don't wanna make a move
Yeah, I'm fine
No need for your love
That's enough
I ain't telling what to do
Baby, calm down
Call it a day
I thought it was easy
To let you go
All I want is
To leave you in the afterglow

I’m no longer sorry
I broke down the walls
And I’m out of this story
So I’m not gonna call
That's enough
I don't wanna make a move
Yeah, I'm fine
No need for your love
That's enough
I ain't telling what to do
Baby, calm down
Call it a day
That's enough
That's enough
That, that's enough
That's enough (Call it a day)

That's enough
That's enough
That, that's enough
Call it a day

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