Stairway to Nowhere

Исполнитель: The Terri Green Project

Жанр: Поп
Длительность: 04:00
Битрейт: 189 kbps
Правообладатель: Tune2Music

Текст песни

Stairway to Nowhere
(Terri Bjerre, Franz Plasa, Torsten Abrolat)

i'm like a soldier in a concrete world
and finding love has just become an endless war
with a string of bad relationships 
that never meant much at all
i still remember you

ooh picked up the paper
it was barely dawn 
and the first thought in my head 
is bout' us two
what did i do to lose the only man
that ever meant much at all
i must admit the truth

i'm on a stairway to nowhere
and my heart just cant move on
im on a stairway  to nowhere
and whats good what's good is gone
and i cant cant get along, gettin over you
gettin'  up get up gettin' over you
gettin' up gettin' up gettin' up over you

people say that  im in  losing game
but i know myself 
better better  better than they do
i'm classical romantic with a twisted point of view
and i've been, been lost too long

and oh i can't forget you
and yes l
lost this lovers game
and oh 
my faith's  been tested
and i hope theres a space in your heart for me

i'm on a stairway to nowhere
and my heart just cant move on
im on a stairway  to nowhere
and whats good what's good is gone
and i cant cant get along, gettin over you
gettin'  up get up gettin' over you
gettin' up gettin' up gettin' up over you

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