
Текст песни

I hear you tell me
That I was wrong 
You said: 
“please come back
I think it's time you hide your gun
And after all it doesn’t matter what I've done”
-because you were with me, feel with me this day,this night. (Was complicated day so rather complicated night.)

«Seniorita should look at this moon 
ima using my moment 
Your heart is still cold?”
You’ll pretend again and again
(you will pretend again and again)

Take me take me,please 
To the sky
You fly away every night 
You lead me to the light 

And I am not your first love..
You call me back 
But you have no words 
(You on your knees,please)
I fall like tears into the ocean
And I am really sorry
For what that we went through 
We were so close
(But it’s not true now)

Take me take me,please 
To the sky
You fly away every night 
You lead me to the light 
(Babe because...)
Last time
Last day
For me.you played..
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