
Текст песни

Эдипов Комплекс – Gift

As I gotta gift for you
I wanna make it drift to you
When you fall asleep
There is a kind of trip
You can do what you want to do

As I gotta words to learn
Make  em hot make  em burn
Play  em for a while
Keep  em as a file
That is all that ought to do

As I've got a new place to go
loneliest place to go
As I've got a new space to fall
I'll never forget it all

Dancing for a while
Drinking killing time
Every day brings a wheel to turn

As I've got a new trace to roam
funniest trace to roam
As I've got a new name to call
I'll never forget it all

Dancing for a while
Drinking killing time
Until the year of no return

As I got a gift for you
I wanna make a drift to you
Let it be alive
Play it for a while
There is all that you ought to do

As I've got a new place to go
loneliest place to go
As I've got a new space to fall
I'll never forget it all

Dancing for a while
Drinking killing time
Every day brings a wheel to turn

As I've got a new trace to roam
funniest trace to roam
As I've got a new name to call
I'll never forget it all

Dancing for a while
Drinking killing time
Until the year of no…

As I've got a new place to go
loneliest place to go
As I've got a new space to fall
I'll never forget it all

Dancing for a while
Drinking killing time
Every day brings a wheel to turn

As I've got a new trace to roam
funniest trace to roam
As I've got a new name to call
I'll never forget it all

Dancing for a while
Drinking killing time
Until the year of no return

Until the year of no return…

© Ян Николенко

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