Fly With Me

Исполнитель: Alex Base

Жанр: Рок
Длительность: 05:28
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Правообладатель: Alex Base

Текст песни

There is no day, there is no night here  
Only eternal flight and a dream that calls on me
Melting in this emptiness and appear
On and on feeling breath of infinity 

I'm geting close to you wondering
What to expect from our first space meeting
Maybe you are the part that was missing
Maybe that journey help me find myself within

You see that I'm free
Flying back to my love galaxy
It's my home
Let's go fly with me 

Going through space, different worlds and time
I keep surprised how far can go my mind
Still something great keeps evading me
Universe's secrets can't be found in a diary

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