Love is

Исполнитель: Ferum

Жанр: Поп
Длительность: 03:13
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Правообладатель: Divine Musiс

Текст песни

Love is when I am looking at you

I see your beautiful blue eyes

Love is when I am touching your skin

I kiss your sweet, mellow lips

Love is when I'm hearing your heart

Your sweet voice is touching my ear

Love is when I’m thinking about you

When I close my eyes I feel happy

Now it is like a dream, 'cause I'm losing you

Now I can forget all the sins when I am looking at you

I’ve just lost you

I'm not your man

It’s hard to accept

This bad romance

We should make it end

Love is when you always are in my mind

Your smile change the world around

Love is when I know I am not alone

When you are with me I feel stronger

Now I just wanna scream 'cause I’m loosing you

Now I can forget all the sins , when I’m looking at you

I’ve just lost you

I'm not your man

It’s hard to accept

This bad romance

We should make it end

Now I’m free, Now I’ve lost you baby

Now I’m free, Now without you baby

I'm not your man

It’s hard to accept

This bad romance

We should make it end
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