Blind Eye And Muted Mind

Исполнитель: Rossomahaar

Жанр: Метал
Длительность: 04:58
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Правообладатель: ЦЕЗИС

Текст песни

Walking on a broken glass of one's tortured soul

These shadows tell me of a pale forgotten age

Exploring new horizons of exhaustion

I lip my tongue, lip with bleeding thorns

And they do sparkle, they do shine

With a light of their own, a light you cannot see

I leather phantoms with a bloody cream

As they gently shriek...

Elemental rain covers all with tears

Exguisite fire burns up to the purple throne

I desired to be mine

Valleys of wonders i walked

And saw the child of light i savagely torn apart

Where would this path lead me to

And where wolud my craving end

Weird planets and no less strange encounters

Veiled as widow's mourning caress

Enchanting streams of madness... I feasted at, bathed in

Those of which i've been a teartained messiah

Seemingly equal axioms proved to be wrong

Thousands and thousands faces...

... yet no one real

Would you dare to believe me as you once

Believed yourself

Wolud you dare to know I mourn you

As I once mourned myself

Mourn you... you, my mind which is nor

No not anymore

Primal instincts, three scavengers of sorrow

Bewitching? oh no

Where do I head?

Some starnge place beyond the reach of imaginations

Imaginary hell?

Everything's possible, right after

Nothing took a place of me

I keep on travelling ever further

And further on

Further on into the upheaval

Of insanity

I rejoice and suffer... in this shivering prison shell

Oh what a poor triumph

Chaos out of oreder and order out ot chaos

What a stellar path for me bethroned with

Sister abstract

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